
Updates & Hiatus – part 2

Hello~ Long time no see,

Hope you’ve all been well. Since my updates page doesn’t have actual posts you may not have seen the message I added several days ago here.

While I’ve managed to catch up on work, my tech issues are now what have caused my hiatus to be prolonged and until I get that sorted, my break which was supposed to have ended on the 9th has been bumped up to an indefinite amount of time. As of now, the first Saturday after whenever I can re-access my sim games and story files is when the next chapter will be posted, but lord only knows when that’ll be. I’m hoping it shouldn’t take more than two weeks or so *fingers crossed*.

I’m touched that despite my absence other bloggers have been continuously stopping by to read a post, leave a like/comment or even follow my page altogether. I hope to return with continuous chapters once everything is sorted and fixed, but until then – I’ll be responding to comments and catching up on a lot of the stories I was previously reading and have fallen behind on, as well as start some new ones.

Thanks for sticking with me through this trying time XD I hope to get back to posting here soon, it’s been nearly two months since I’ve played and almost as long since I’ve written and I’m dying to get back into it.

Take care as always,
xoxo Amy

11 thoughts on “Updates & Hiatus – part 2

  1. Welcome back!! I’m so glad to see you back here πŸ™‚
    I know it can be too frustrating to not being able to play or write, so I hope you’ll get those computer issues sorted very soon. Can’t wait to read the next chapters of the Elite! πŸ˜€

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    1. Thanks! I feel like I’ve been gone for much longer than I actually have :’) I’ll be bombarding you with notifications soon – it’s been ages since I’ve seen Rose and Jared and I fell behind right when things were getting super dramatic, can’t wait to binge read and see what I’ve missed πŸ™‚

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